
Comparing the ADDIE and Kemp Model

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Comparing the ADDIE & Kemp Model



Home Page/ ADDIE Model/ Kemp Model//Group Discussions/Scripts

Comparing the ADDIE & Kemp Model / Meeting Log/Examples/

Abstract/ Wiki Report/Multimedia Presentation


ADDIE Model  Similarities  Kemp Model 

1.  5 phases 

2.  generic process

3.  more structured

4.  Implementation phase

5.  Linear development meaning


6.  simple to follow

7.  feedback

8.  round shape


1.  Instructional design models

2.  Continuous cycles

3. used by Instructional designers

4. used by training developers

5. used by educators



1.  9 key elements 

2.  extension from the ADDIE

3.  adaptable/flexible

4.  Implementation (implied;not stated)

5.  Non-linear development-

      continuous revision in all steps

6.  more details

7.  continuous feedback

8.  work in all the areas for improvement

9.  allows for incorporating technology

10.  oval shape

11.  aka the MRK  model 

12.  Dr. Jerrold Kemp-retired professor

       in the Edu. dept.

13. Holistic approach


Strengths  Overall Strengths

1. simple to follow

2. basic ID

3. popular/well known

4. many models are an

extension of the ADDIE


* Personal preference for models

* The Kemp Model is more

   effective and reliable

1.  Holistic Approach

2.  Virtually all factors in the learning

environment are taken into consideration.

3. Focus on learner needs & goals

4.  It is subject to constant revision

5.  Focus on content analysis

6. Focus on support/services

7.  small scale- used for ind. lessons

8.  incorporates technology


Weaknesses   Weaknesses

1. generic 

2. leaves out details

3. not enough analyzing



1. lengthy process

2. constant revising in all areas

3. too many details



Weaknesses of the ADDIE Model



While the ADDIE Model was predominantly used in the development of multimedia content for learning for many years, the model has some significant weaknesses. It tends to be inefficient because it is not iterative. Also, the linear approach tends to work well for static content but may be restrictive when dealing with user generated content or learning outcomes that do not have a predetermined end state. Perhaps the biggest weakness of the model is that it assumes that you can know all of the requirements before you develop the content. From practical experience we realize that the design process (developing and experimenting with the content) actually shapes the final design. The following is a list of specific weaknesses to the ADDIE model from Allen Interactions.

Seven Common Weaknesses of the ADDIE Process

1.) Typical processes require unrealistically comprehensive up-front analysis Most teams respond by doing very little at all and fail to access critical elements

2.) Ignores some political realities. Opportunities are misses, vital resources aren't made available, support is lacking, and targets shift.

3.) Storyboards are ineffective tools for creating, communicating and evaluating design alternatives. Poor designs aren't recognized as such until too late.

4.) Detailed processes become so set that creativity becomes a nuisance.

5.) No accommodation for dealing with faults or good ideas throughput the process.

6.) Learning programs are designed to meet criteria that are measured (schedule, cost, throughput) and fail to focus on identifying behavioral changes.

7.) Posttests provide little useful information to assist in improving instruction

From Rapid Interactive Design for E-Learning Certificate Program
© 2007 Allen Interactions



ADDIE Model- 5 steps Kemp Model- 9 key elements
A  nalysis

1. Instructional Problems

2. Learner Characteristics

3. Task Analysis

4. Instructional Objectives 

D  esign

5. Designing the Message

6. Instructional Strategies

7. Content Sequencing 

D  evelopment 8. Development of Instruction 
I   mplementation     Implementation (implied) 
E  valuate

9. Evaluation Instruments

           Summative Evaluation

           Formative Evaluation 







Google images. Fish comparison.


Rapid Interactive Design. (2007). Weaknesses of the ADDIE model.





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