Comparing the ADDIE & Kemp Model
Instructional Design Team 1
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Comparing the ADDIE & Kemp Model
Instructional Design Team #1:
Santos Alvarado, April Canales, Isabel Cabrera, Dara Cepeda,
and Romel Palomares
Cooperative Team Wiki Report
In partial fulfillment of
EDTC 6321.60 Instructional Design
The University of Texas at Brownsville, College of Education
Department of Teaching Learning and Innovation
Dr. Rene Corbeil
July 8, 2012
Educators spend majority of their time creating the most effective lessons plans using different types of instructional models. As times are changing teachers must modify lesson plans and collaborative activities to actively engage and meet the needs of all our students. Just as our lessons are changing so are the instructional design models we choose to use in our classrooms. Our team will be comparing and contrasting two instructional models, the ADDIE Model and Morrison, Ross, and Kemp Model (also known as Kemp Model). We will provide a detailed description of both of models, state their similarities and differences, advantages and disadvantages, and note which situations will work best for each model. The ADDIE model has five phases: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. According to Intulogy (2010), the ADDIE instructional design model provides a step-by-step process that helps training specialists plan and create training programs. The Morris, Ross, and Kemp Model (M-R-K) is commonly known as the Kemp Model which is an instructional design that emphasizes the adoption of continuous implementation and evaluation through the instructional design process (Morrison, Ross & Kemp, 2004).
Keywords: instructional design models, ADDIE Model, Kemp Model
Comparing the ADDIE & Kemp Model
Instructional models such as the Kemp and ADDIE Model are two unique instructional design models that provide guidelines that help organize and provide effective instructional activities to help target the needed areas of development.
Educators spend the majority of their time creating the most effective lessons plans using different types of instructional models. As times are changing teachers must modify lesson plans and collaborative activities to actively engage and meet the needs of all our students. Just as our lessons are changing so are the instructional design models we choose to use in our classrooms. Our team will be comparing and contrasting two instructional models, the ADDIE Model and Morrison, Ross, and Kemp Model (also known as Kemp Model). We will provide a detailed description of both of models, state their similarities and differences, advantages and disadvantages, and note which situations will work best for each model.
The ADDIE model is an acronym for the five different phases of the process: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. According to Intulogy (2010), the ADDIE instructional model provides a step-by-step process that helps training specialists plan and create training programs. The first step is the Analysis phase, it lays down the foundation because the designer has to identify the goals that will be achieved, know the intended audience, the learning environment, and the materials that must be taught. The second is the Design phase, it is carefully designing a task analysis that includes a list of the main steps the learner must take, along with a flowchart that maps out the entire training process. The third phase is the Development, the performance objectives are written and assessments are created to provide feedback to the instructor about the learner's performance in completing the goal. The fourth phase is the Implementation, here the overall plan is put into action by setting procedures for training the learner. Instructional strategies, distribution of materials, media selection, and first draft materials are also included in this phase. The final phase is the Evaluation which consists of a two different types of evaluation: formative and summative. Formative evaluation plays an active role in each stage of the ADDIE process. Summative evaluation are used for instructional feedback so that revisions can be made to improve or enhance the training module.
The Morris, Ross, and Kemp Model (M-R-K) is commonly known as the Kemp Model which is an instructional design model that emphasizes the adoption of continuous implementation and evaluation through the instructional design process (Morrison, Ross & Kemp, 2004). Kemp proposed this model based on the following beliefs: Instructional Design is a continuous cycle with revision as an ongoing activity associated with all of the other elements.
The introductory phase for Kemp’s model places the most emphasis in the design process (Morrison Ross & Kemp, 2004). The oval shape of the model gives the designer the sense that the design and development process is a continuous cycle that requires constant planning, design, development and assessment to insure effective instruction. The nine key elements in this model are not connected with lines or arrows, the elements are independent of each other in that they do not need to be considered in order. The following are the nine key elements to the Kemp Model:
1) Identify instructional problems, and specify goals for designing an instructional program
2) Examine learner characteristics that should receive attention during planning
3) Identify subject content & analyze task components related to stated goals & purposes
4) State instructional objectives for the learner
5) Sequence content within each instructional unit for logical learning
6) Design instructional strategies so that each learner can master the objectives
7) Plan the instructional message and delivery
8) Develop evaluation instruments to assess objectives
9) Select resources to support instruction and learning activities
There are several differences between the ADDIE and Kemp models. One difference is that the ADDIE model consists of 5 phases to a systematic instructional design, while the Kemp model follows 9 key elements. This makes the ADDIE model a generic process while the Kemp model becomes an extension from the ADDIE model. The biggest difference is that the ADDIE model has a linear development, which is a step-by-step process, whereas the Kemp model is non-linear development allowing for constant revision in all areas. This makes the ADDIE model more structured and the Kemp more adaptable. In other words, the ADDIE model is simple to follow, but the Kemp model allows for incorporation of technology by using instructional strategies and media that are most appropriate for the content and target population.
In conclusion, the ADDIE model is a generic step-by-step process, where as the Kemp Model encourages designers to work in all areas of the instructional design. The ADDIE Model's strength is that it’s simple to follow and is very well known. Its weakness is that it’s too generic and leaves out details. In other words, it does not allow for much analyzing. The Kemp Model is an extension from the ADDIE and allows for continuous feedback which in return allows for all factors in the learning environment to be taken into consideration. The most important strength about the Kemp Model is that it focuses on the learner needs & goals. During this cooperative project, our team analyzed both instructional model by stating their similarities and differences, advantages and disadvantages, and noted examples. Now it’s up to the designer to decide which model they want to use when designing instruction.
Hanley, Michael. (2009). Discovering Instructional Design 11: The Kemp Model.
Intulogy. (2010) ADDIE Instructional Design Model.
Kemp, J. E., Morrison, G. R., & Ross, S. V. (2004). Design effective instruction,
(4th Ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
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