Group Discussions
Home Page/ ADDIE Model/ Kemp Model//Group Discussions/Scripts
Comparing the ADDIE & Kemp Model / Meeting Log/Examples/
Abstract/ Wiki Report/Multimedia Presentation
Great job everyone in creating the Google Docs PPT and Scripting for the finalizing of the Video Presentation!-Izzy
I only suggested it because Romel and I were the only ones trying to figure out about the partners and no one was responding to emails but we have already figured it out. Thanks! -April
Oh and can you give us adminstrative access to the wiki please. Thanks! -April
where on the wiki?-izzy (maybe on the Assignments page)
one feedback partner is enough- too much feedbacks = too many revisions are confusing
santos and I decided to be feedback partners from the first day of online class.- izzy
April suggested to post them (IU1) up on the team wiki so that we can all give feedback on each others instructional unit 1 what do you guys think?
Instructioanl Unit 1 so that we can all give feedback on each others!
Santos Alvarado
Isabel Cabrera
April Canales
Dara Cepeda
Romel Palomares
Here is the form on feedback!
IDEAS: I was thinking of maybe comparing the ADDIE model to The Kemp Model that way we can give examples to compare and contrast. The other option would be to do The ARCS Motivational Model.
Check this out to see an example of the Kemp Model:
Check this website to read about ARCS motivational Model:
This week (Sunday) we need to submit a title with a 100 word abstract describing our topic.-Isabel
I took a look at both links and I liked the Kemp model.
Great! The Kemp Model it is! We can compare and contrast the ADDIE and the KEMP models. I guess we can create a Google Docs to do the abstract due this sunday.
Yes I like the Kemp Model as well. Let me create a google docs so we can start with the abstract.- Dara
I Just shared the docs with the whole team so we can start writing our draft :) -Dara
Hello group,
I like the Kemp Model too! I added some to the abstract, but didn't want to add to much since it's suppose to be only 100 words right.
Also, have we decided who is going to be each other's Feedback partner?
Let me know,
Hello team,
I agree! The abstract is indeed well written and covers what we're going to do in the cooperative project.
This is the Document in which Our team will be creating an abstract of our instructional design model We are comparing and contrasting the ADDIE and the KEMP models. We need to start typing and edit our 100 words-Draft which is due Sunday -Monday 6/18/12.
I found this other wiki-cooperative project team example so we can get a better idea.
Click HERE i liked their analogy of using a road map and incorporating it in their abstract and paper- Isabel
Here are the links to both models: KEMP modeland ADDIE model
The ADDIE & Kemp Models
By Team 1:
Isabel Cabrera, Dara Cepeda, Romel Palomares,
April Canales, and Santos Alvarado
Cooperative Project
In partial fulfillment of
EDTC 6321.60 Instructional Design
The University of Texas at Brownsville, College of Education
Department of Teaching Learning and Innovation
Dr. Rene Corbeil
June 17, 2012
Maybe we could start off with this:
The ADDIE and Kemp Models are two instructional design models that will be compare and contrast in this project.
i like your sentence better. I researched the abstract format: Abstract needs to be centered;no bold and no underlines. Also double spaced with 12 font according to APA format on Purdue Owl Writing ( all font style/size is all the same at the end)
Hello team: feel free to change or modify the abstract, i just wrote it so we could get started on something and make it better with everyone’s input thx-isabel
I don’t think our abstract is where we are explaining what the models are. In the example provided on Blackboard (below) its short and sweet.-April
In creation of an effective syllabus for today’s classroom instruction, there are a number of Instructional Systems Design processes that are employed. There are a variety of factors that will decide which model to use including the subject matter, target audience, available resources, and objectives. Certain models are more effective than others, sometimes implementing a combination rather than single approach.
Our group will analyze two instructional system design models utilized by today’s instructors, the ASSURE and ADDIE models. We will highlight the strengths and weaknesses of each model; along with indicating what situations we feel we could effectively employ each model during the instructional design process.
Here is the abstract I came up with if you wish to change or modify go ahead or maybe we can pick and choose from the two and make one...
Educators spend the majority of their time creating the most effective lessons plans using different types of instructional design models. As times are changing teachers must modify lesson plans and collaborative activities to actively engage and meet the needs of all our students. Just as our lessons are changing so are the instructional design models we choose to use in our classrooms.
Our team will be comparing and contrasting two instructional models, the ADDIE Model and Morrison, Ross, and Kemp Model (also known as the Kemp Model). We will provide a detailed description of both of the models, state their similarities and differences, advantages and disadvantages, and note which situations will work best for each model.
The ADDIE and Kemp Models are two instructional design models that will be compared and contrasted in this project. The ADDIE model has five phases: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. According to Intulogy (2010), the ADDIE instructional design model provides a step-by-step process that helps training specialists plan and create training programs. The Morris, Ross, and Kemp Model (M-R-K) is commonly known as the Kemp Model which is an instructional design that emphasizes the adoption of continuous implementation and evaluation through the instructional design process (Morrison, Ross & Kemp, 2004) This model has nine key elements to its instructional design.According to Baturay (2008), what interesting about the Kemp model is that Kemp’s model is “flexible”. Baturay said, “the designer can start with whatever element s/he wants to without the completion of previous steps”(Baturay, 2008)-Romel.Both models are circular to show that there is continuous revising of the all the phases or elements to ensure effective instruction.Baturay also said when comparing the Kemp model among others,”These models follow almost the same routine in the ADDIE model; however there are some additional procedures or variations in their order…The typical differences among those models were generally based on the steps and their order.” (Baturay, 2008)-Romel In other words, the kemp model follows similar steps to the ADDIE model. For example, both models specify working toward certain goals and objectives.
Discovering Instructional Design 11: The Kemp Model/E-learning (2010) -the-kemp-model/2009/06/10/
Intulogy. (2010) ADDIE Instructional Design Model (website)
Kemp, J. E., Morrison, G. R., & Ross, S. V. (2004). Design effective instruction,
(4th Ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons
Baturay, M. (2008). Characteristics of basic instructional design models. Ekev Academic Review, 12(34), 471-482-Romel
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